These volunteers launder and press altar linens used during liturgies, including altar cloths, purificators, corporals and towels.
The Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon during parish liturgies and is open to anyone who has received First Holy Communion. Servers are expected to be familiar with the flow of the liturgy and anticipate each movement.
We are responsible for the purchase and maintenance of flowers, plants and all décor for Holy Days and holidays in the church. We are busy 12 months/year, but our busiest times are Holy Week and Christmas, when it’s “all-hands-on-deck” and spouses or other family member often pitch in, too!
Do you enjoy baking and sharing your “gifts” with friends old and new?
After all weekend Masses, refreshments are provided by the Fellowship Ministry.
The Fellowship Ministers share their talents by hosting Fellowship after mass once every 8-10 weeks. If interested please contact: for details.
Client Services: Manages client list on the computer, answers phones, fills orders and serves clients.
Pickup Team: Picks up groceries at local stores. You will be lifting and moving boxes of groceries.
Dating Team: Labels all donated and purchased food items with expiration dates.
Please contact Donna Hamilton for more information on how you can help. 757-903-2868
HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY members pray with individuals, in person, for the health and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit that the Divine Physician desires for you. Prayer Ministers meet once a week in the parish hall, allowing people to come and pray with them. Volunteers may also be asked to schedule an appointment to meet with individuals for prayer.
For more information on how to volunteer please call the parish office at 757-564-3819
or email us at:
Lectors proclaim God’s word at Mass by reading the Word of God from the Bible in a way that will help the congregation fully appreciate and understand the message of God. Lectors have a deep love for the Scriptures and an interest in sharing their gift with the community. Training is provided.
The Music Ministry brings liturgically and spiritually appropriate music to our liturgies and invites us to full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy. The St. Olaf music ministry provides music for every weekend liturgy as well holy days and funerals. Varying levels of experience are welcome.
This ministry is about helping others through prayer for healing or support. There are no meetings or other obligations required, just your prayers! If you would like to join us, send an email to with your name and email address.
Sacristans are responsible for preparation of the Altar before Mass. Training is provided and meetings are held when needed.
Sound Ministers use a remote audio mixer application loaded on an iPad to monitor and adjust sound amplification for the celebrant, deacon, readers, cantors, choir and musicians who use wired and wireless microphones during weekend Masses.
Sound Ministers arrive no later than 20 minutes before Mass to turn on the sound system; check wireless microphones for batteries; and, check for the proper control of all microphone channels using the iPad application.
During Mass the Sound Minister adjusts microphone audio levels and mutes or unmutes microphone channels as needed. Volunteers must be mature and dependable; comfortable using an iPad application; and, have reasonable hearing acuity. Training and ongoing mentoring is provided.
Ushers welcome parishioners as they arrive for Mass, assist with seating and communion procession, take up collections and ensure its safekeeping, invite a family to bring forth offertory gifts, distribute bulletins and assist those with special needs. This ministry is a great way to meet your fellow parishioners and is a perfect ministry for families.
The Liturgy Committee is a group of parishioners who work with the priest and deacon to develop meaningful liturgies and spiritual events at St. Olaf. They also encourage participation in various liturgical ministries.
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