Dear Parishioners,
Our Food Pantry EASTER Market provides food items for our clients EASTER breakfast and dinner. Your monetary donations help pay for eggs, sausage, pancake mix, syrup, hams and fresh vegetables. Along with the purchased items, our clients have the opportunity to “shop” free of charge, from our tables of donated items. Please join our food pantry in celebrating the Easter season by giving to those in our community who face food insecurities daily.
How You Can Help
Donate food items - We kindly ask, NO OPEN or EXPIRED food. We are looking for items different from our most needed items list.
Donate food of your choosing for our “shopping tables”. When purchasing food items, think of what you might serve Our Lord if you found Him knocking on your door. Some suggested food items: hearty soups/stews, chili, mixed vegetables, beans, canned meats, canned pastas/Chef-Boyardee products, cereal, side dishes, snack foods, sweets, baking mixes, and condiments
Items are not limited to food, they may include; Laundry detergent, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, cleaning supplies.
Monetary donations - Please note in the memo line of your check “Food Pantry Only”.
Volunteer to help with The Market - Sign up after mass March 29 & 30 or Email:
April 1-10 - Drop off food for the market - Please leave your donations on the Food Pantry donation tables
inside the small parish hall next to our Food Pantry.
Thank you again for your support of our food pantry at St. Olaf, Donna Hamilton
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