Youth Ministry

Saint Olaf Teens for Christ
Leaders in Life, Followers of Christ

The Life Teen program is a comprehensive youth program for Catholic preteens and teens in middle and high school. This program is designed to lead teens closer to Christ, as well as connect them to the entire parish and infuse the surrounding community with the light of Christ. 

The Life Teen program seeks to lead our youth into a personal relationship with Christ and build the foundations of strong, lifelong discipleship. The evangelization in Life Teen reaches out to young people by meeting them where they are in their various life situations and building relationships. Our program invites young people into the life and mission of the Catholic community and calls them to be evangelizers of their families, other young people, and the community. 

Please contact Ann Mattio at or call the Parish Office for more information: 757-564-3819

Confirmation Sacramental Preparation 2024

Sunday, September 15th, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Registration for teens Eligible to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will be at the Church office in the Sun Room. Please come to the office before September 15th to register if you cannot register on September 15th. We will not accept late registrations this year. Based on the number of registered teens, we will order supplies on Monday, September 16th. Sacramental Preparation Sessions will begin on September 25th through March 12th. At least one parent must attend all sessions with their teen. Our Confirmation Retreat will be at the Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center on Feb 28th - March 2nd.

The Middle School (EDGE NIGHTS) and High School (LIFE NIGHTS) Youth Groups will start later this Fall. We are aligning our Youth Group calendar with the Church's liturgical calendar. Our Sunday Edge and Life Night Registration and kick-off will be on October 20th from 6 pm to 8 pm., a change from the September start date we have had in the past.

OUR ANNUAL THEME FOR THE LITURGICAL YEAR 2024- 25 Sanctuary, our annual theme for 2024-25, symbolizes the refuge that teens find in Christ. It transcends from the sacred altars of our Parish into the secular aspects of their daily lives, bringing peace amidst chaos, order amidst disorder, and love amid fear. Sanctuary is a beacon of Divine Shelter, offering us refuge in times of trial. It celebrates the sanctity of our Inner Sanctuary, turning the ordinary into Sacred Space and inspiring hope and transformation.

While some annual and event-based ministry fees paid by participants cover a portion of what we do, our goal is to make youth ministry opportunities as accessible as possible, while providing experiences that are high-quality and engaging. In other words, your donation quite literally allows for the things we do to be possible, to the level at which we do them, each and every year!

Taking Care of Youth 365 Days a Year!

Your donation will be used for:

EDGE - Grades 6-8    Life Teen - Grades 9-12    Confirmation

Youth Activities    Youth Retreats    Youth Conferences    Youth Bible Studies

Mission Trip    Service Projects

Youth 365
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