We as Catholics are called to build the culture of life to respect the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death. Respect Life Ministry seeks to promote the sacredness of human life through awareness, action and prayer.
24 Hour Counseling available anywhere in the nation, at 1 (800) 395-HELP (4357).
Ministry Activities:
- Vigil for Life (St. Olaf) January – evening before March for Life.
- Virginia Advocacy Day (Richmond) February – meet with legislature representatives concerning life issues (with Virginia Catholic Council )
- Mother’s Day Roses (St. Olaf) May – Distribute roses and prayer cards to mothers.
- Spiritual Adoption (St. Olaf) August
- Baby Shower for pregnancy resources at Williamsburg House of Mercy October
- Prayer Chain (national) October
- Richmond Stands for Life (Richmond) December
- Articles for bulletin ongoing
- Prayer at Abortion Clinic (Richmond) First and Third Saturdays
Contact: Gerardwmoran@cox.net